Custom Career Strategy Coaching

Moving into your ideal career takes strategy, planning and dedication.

I have helped many clients move into new careers by working 1:1 to market your passions, knowledge, skills, abilities & accomplishments into a career change or promotion.


You’ve tried to prepare on your own before.

You think you are off to a good start - but it doesn’t stick.

You use the same techniques and get stuck feeling stressed and overwhelmed.

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Custom Career Strategy Coaching

My one-on-one coaching prepares you to get results!

Michelle Brooks - Brooks Interview Coaching

Hiring managers know who has prepared and who hasn’t.

The candidate who is most prepared will be at the top of their short list.

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One- Hour Career Strategy Session

  • This is your hour to discuss career strategy and any other career, interview, resume, LinkedIn and many more topics.

  • The session is led by your needs so please come prepared with information you want to discuss.

* Coaching services are intended to improve interview skills. Interview results will vary.

90-Minute 1:1 Coaching Session

  • Research & review before to ensure a fully customized session

  • Review of your resume, work history and career goals

  • Coaching about what to expect during the interview process, including the types of questions you may be asked

  • Training on how to use & master the STAR technique

  • Developing accomplishment-examples for the qualifications

  • Review of techniques to use before, during and after the interview to stand out and leave a lasting impression

  • A 10-15 minute mock interview with immediate, honest feedback

  • Q & A time for you to ask me anything interview & career related

  • One (1) week of email support after the session

Do you just need a mock interview to refresh your skills before an interview?

One Hour Virtual Mock Interview

  • We will simulate a real job interview and I give you on the spot feedback about your strengths and development needs.

  • The session includes general interview questions asked in almost all interviews and questions tailored to the industry you are applying to

  • The format includes:

    (1) 15-20 minutes of questions
    (2) Break to give feedback and suggestions
    (3) 15-20 minutes of questions where you implement suggestions
    (4) Final feedback and opportunity for you to ask career and interview questions


* Coaching services are intended to improve interview skills. Interview results will vary.


 Need to chat first?

Contact me

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  1. Do I really need interview coaching?

There is a strategic way to prepare for interviews and I have coached this technique successfully for many years. The best way to prepare for an interview is to determine what skills are required for the position and then prepare accomplishment based examples to show how you excel in these areas. I teach you how to market yourself before, during and after the interview and give honest feedback on things that could be a distraction or seen an unprofessional. Interview coaching saves you time and effort because I help you focus on the right things that will bring the best results. In today’s job market, going in unprepared is NOT an option.

2. How does a coaching session work?

Sessions are conducted over Microsoft Teams. When booking a session, you fill out a short questionnaire so I can customize the session for you. During our session, you will have a chance to ask your career questions and will leave confident and excited for your upcoming interview! Almost all of my clients have seen progression and success in interviews after we work together and many are repeat clients.

3. What type of clients do you accept for coaching?

I accept all clients who are looking for a new position or to progress in their current organization. My coaching clients include:

  • New grads seeking coaching before interviewing for their first job

  • New job seekers who want to excel in an interview when they may not have a lot of formal work experience

  • Mid-career professionals who have not interviewed in a long time and are seeking a promotion or new job opportunity

  • Job seekers at all levels who want that extra support and expertise when preparing for a promotion or career change

4. Why are coaching sessions so expensive?

You are making an investment in your career by working with an experienced interview coach. You are here because you are looking to improve your interview skills and go from nervous and stressed to confident and prepared. I have been interviewing for over 20 years, for a variety of positions, and know what hiring managers are looking for. There is a lot of work that will go into your session before and after to ensure you have a valuable, personalized custom session. Many of my clients find interview success after we work together and become repeat clients who refer other career seekers who want similar results.

5. What is your cancellation policy?

Since there is a demand for coaching, and limited spots, I kindly ask that you give a 48 hour notice. If you need to cancel or reschedule, that 48 hours notice will allow me to release the spot to other job seekers.