“Indigenous People are in demand in the workforce. You can learn about, and move into, any career you choose to pursue. This company was built on a passion to move Indigenous People into careers and Leadership in all levels of industry.

Let’s take the lead and build the Indigenous workforce together … today.”

— Michelle Brooks, President of Brooks HR Group

Indigenous Career Community

We Offer a Cash Career Bursary to our Clients After 3-Months of Employment Once you are Successfully Matched With an Employer

  • Indigenous People are in demand in the workforce … in every position, company and industry.

  • We can move into any industry and career when we are aware of the opportunities.

  • Let’s work together to move into quality careers where we fully participate as decision-makers in our economy.

  • We will share career opportunities with you and offer free career coaching so you move into your ideal career and negotiate the best job offer.

  • Opportunities we share may be perfect for you OR someone you know. We ask you to share opportunities and have others join our community.

Let’s Take the Lead and Build the Indigenous Workforce Together … Today

Why Brooks HR Group?

⭐ We bring Indigenous Students & Professionals and Employers together for career awareness and opportunities.

⭐ Moving Indigenous People into careers, at all levels of organizations, is our priority, passion and area of expertise.

⭐ We help you build career strategy experience and confidence so you are always progressing.

⭐ We only recommend companies who are RAAN members (Reconciliation Action & Accountability Network) because we work with them closely and understand how they advancing TRC #92 in their companies.

*We may post opportunities for other companies, however, you will decide if this is an opportunity you want to pursue. We will be the company liaison for you and the employer to ensure you have the best opportunity to negotiate the best total compensation package that works for you and your family.

What Happens After You Join our Database?

  • We will email you company opportunities for career events, positions other initiatives such as scholarships and employment programs.

  • For everything other than job postings, we will ensure companies provide information on how to apply.

  • For job postings, we ask you to work directly with Brooks HR Group.

  • Once you review the information, you decide if you want to pursue it. If you do, you will work with through us to ensure you have any company questions answered before you decide if you want to share your resume.

  • We offer free career coaching, as requested, to help you prepare for a pre-screen or interview and we will help you negotiate a final job offer.

  • We ask you to remain a part of our Indigenous Career Community even after you find employment. This is the best way to know about, and share opportunities with friends, family and community members.

    Already in a career but want to consider other opportunities in confidence?

  • Our company reputation is built on client confidence.

  • All Indigenous Career Community clients will be emailed information about the company and opportunity available. You decide if this is something you want to pursue and let us know if there are any questions you want us to ask the employer.

  • The only time we provide more information, including your resume, is when you decide the time is right. This may be when you apply for the position or after you have your company career questions answered to your satisfaction.

  • Confidentiality is a priority for everyone who works at Brooks HR Group.

Join the Indigenous Career Community