Resume & LinkedIn Services

I teach clients how to create a personal brand, market your accomplishments and strategically network so you get the career results you desire.


  • Some recruiters look at your resume for 7 seconds. If they don’t like what they see, they move on.

  • Employers look at your LinkedIn profile before deciding if they want to interview you.

  • Business clients look at your LinkedIn profile before deciding if they want to work with you.

There’s a strategic way to use your LinkedIn & resume for career advancement.
I teach you how to be successful using these tools.

Resume Review (30 minutes)

  • I review your existing resume and give specific feedback on how to make yourself more marketable.

  • We discuss additions and changes to increase your chances of being shortlisted.

  • In addition to feedback on look and feel, I provide feedback on content to ensure you are highlight accomplishments and include the right quality information to get shortlisted to the interview.

Clients have been 100% happy with their reviews!

Resume Creation
Starting at $695

  • Let me create you a new resume specific to the position & industry you are applying to .

  • We do an initial consultation to ensure I have information to customize an accomplishment-based resume.

  • A draft resume is completed within 2-3 business days. I offer reasonable revisions (Within one week) before finalizing your resume.

  • I provide one word & one PDF copy so you can make future revisions.

LinkedIn is like a professional facebook account, resume and business card all built into one.

Employers are looking at your profile before deciding if they want to pursue you for positions

Business clients are researching your profile before they decide if they want to do business with you and your company

LinkedIn Profile Review
(30 minutes)

  • I have had career success by using my LinkedIn account strategically: Michelle’s LinkedIn Profile

  • When you book this service, I will review your existing profile and give custom, valuable feedback on:

    (1) What looks great
    (2) What needs to be changed and
    (3) What you can do to make yourself more marketable to your goal industry or company

  • I will teach easy techniques you can start doing after the session to get results right away!

  • This will be the best 30 minutes you spend to upgrade your profile to get noticed … Clients say my LinkedIn training and custom reviews have been invaluable!